Posts by aledor
Developing a Cybersecurity Program Quickly and Efficiently
More organizations than not face many challenges when it comes to implementing a cybersecurity program. For instance, how do you create and manage an information program that must reduce risk but also demonstrate compliance to management and outside parties? How do you decipher and track compliance with regulations and frameworks such as NIST CSF, ISO…
Read More5 Ways To Optimize Your IT Budget
Everyone wants to get the most for their money. It’s the smart thing to do. For example, with insurance, we all want the best coverage at a reasonable price. Likewise, when we buy a computer or other device, we want to make sure we get the best possible machine that doesn’t break the bank. When it comes to IT specifically, there are several technologies and paradigms of service that have become standard and are a…
Read MoreCreating Your Modern-Day SMB Backup Plan
Is it stress, anxiety, or fear that causes that nauseated feeling over losing your data? If you have ever been working away and the computer hangs, crashes, and loses your work, then you know the feeling. Everyone agrees that it is awful. It is just a matter of how much did you lose that controls…
Universal Policy Administrator provides you with a centralized security policy management, orchestration, and enforcement solution. The result is a consistent and uniform set of policies across all enterprise devices and identities, on-premise, and within the cloud. This also simplifies configuration and security for users and devices and delivers an automated, centralized, and consistent policy management…
Read MoreRisks of Remote Work in 2021
“How much longer?”, is the question everyone is sighing. The current answer is “no time soon, at least not in 2020, nor the first quarter of 2021.” So, for the majority of small to medium-sized businesses as we move indoors, it means supporting employees working from home, at least part of the time. As it…
Read MoreCost Benefits of the Cloud
When discussing the move to the cloud, the first thing you hear is, “There is such an amazing cost savings.” It’s the first thing you hear because it’s true. Still, what does that actually mean in dollars and cents and what will it mean over time? It is, of course, best practices to do a Cost-Benefit Analysis to compare your…
Read MoreEquip Your Smart Devices with Smart Security
More likely than not, you understand the importance of keeping your organization’s network and your employees’ computers safe and secure. But it is of equal importance to keep other devices in mind when it comes to cybersecurity. Devices like smart phones and tablets, work-related or for personal use, need to be included in your cybersecurity…
Read MoreNew Cybersecurity Risks You Need to Know
With each new world-wide phase, cybercriminals remain on the attack. They are very adaptive to every situation and lurk around every corner. Here are the latest offenses in cybercrime: Deliveries – Cybercriminals have taken to the streets. It may seem like a neighbor or an independent package delivery service sitting in a vehicle but anyone in proximity to your home or business may be looking for an “open” or public wifi to…
Read MoreYour Remote IT Checklist
Whether you refer to it as telecommuting, working virtual, work-from-home or remote working, most businesses have previously used these terms. For instance, certain employees needing to travel, others needing to work from home due to weather or illness, and so forth. However, now is different. The number of employees remaining to work from home and the current hybrid of office and remote work environments, need an increase in IT support. To make sure…
Read MoreWhy Now is the Best Time to Reduce and Optimize Your IT Budget
This is an ideal time to assess your IT needs for the coming year as we all look toward 2021 in search of the stability we so rightly deserve. While 2020 has been something of a knee-jerk year, things appear to be calming down enough to take store and re-evaluate. This is particularly true when…
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