New Cybersecurity Risks You Need to Know

it manager assessing cybersecurity risks

With each new world-wide phase, cybercriminals remain on the attack. They are very adaptive to every situation and lurk around every corner. Here are the latest offenses in cybercrime:  Deliveries – Cybercriminals have taken to the streets. It may seem like a neighbor or an independent package delivery service sitting in a vehicle but anyone in proximity to your home or business may be looking for an “open” or public wifi to…

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Your Remote IT Checklist

The businesswoman notes the work done.

Whether you refer to it as telecommuting, working virtual, work-from-home or remote working, most businesses have previously used these terms. For instance, certain employees needing to travel, others needing to work from home due to weather or illness, and so forth.  However, now is different. The number of employees remaining to work from home and the current hybrid of office and remote work environments, need an increase in IT support. To make sure…

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Why Now is the Best Time to Reduce and Optimize Your IT Budget

businessmen discussing it budget

This is an ideal time to assess your IT needs for the coming year as we all look toward 2021 in search of the stability we so rightly deserve. While 2020 has been something of a knee-jerk year, things appear to be calming down enough to take store and re-evaluate. This is particularly true when…

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Cybersecurity Risks: Safety Measures Against Phishing Attacks

phishing scam, hacker image

Phishing attacks are specifically designed to bait us and then snag us. It’s easy to get caught.   Cybercriminals who prepare these strategic attacks will sink to inhumane levels in order to create trust and trickery.  The most common phishing attacks are emails, messages or meeting requests that evoke panic or a sense of urgency and cause us to click on a link or download a corrupted file. From here, it’s as if a private safe containing confidential information and monetary treasures…

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7 Tips to Reduce IT Costs Quickly

decreasing graph for it solutions

Time is always of the essence when needing to cut costs. Afterall, time is money. There is no time like the presence to evaluate what aspect of your IT you can change to see real improvement to the bottom-line.  Fortunately, certain key technologies and methods for realigning these technologies and services enable you to reap the benefits while reducing the costs.  To start the assessment…

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Top 5 Best File Sharing Tools

concept of file sharing

Can you even imagine getting the job done without file sharing? Particularly when it comes to collaboration? File sharing has become a part of every-day business life. Employees need to have access and be able to share files, anywhere, anytime.  The problem is employees can access any consumer-based tool they want to get their job done faster, communicate more quickly, receive, and distribute their…

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How to Prepare Your Systems for Continued Remote Work


The work-world is going hybrid. When self-distancing, many employees moved to working from home with the intent of returning. However, recent surveys by Global Workplace Analytics indicate that a fourth to a third of remote employees will choose to remain working from home after the pandemic. Meanwhile, many businesses are reporting significant savings from not housing employees.  This means that IT needs to remain focused on both in-house and remote-access systems and security measures. The following…

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