Iran Cybersecurity National Terrorism Bulletin
Today I was going to sit down and write our latest blog about using multi-factor authentication & complete our monthly newsletter but then something caught my eye and I needed to get this out to everyone as soon as possible. On Saturday January 4th 2020, The United States Homeland Security released a National Terrorism Advisory…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About DNS Protection Services
DNS, or Domain Name System, essentially translates the names of websites into a registered IP address which allows your system to contact that site. DNS acts like the phonebook for the internet. DNS Protection Software is deployed on networks, end-user, and server systems to help prevent malware from being downloaded. When installed on laptops and…
Read MorePreventing IT Attacks With Modern Workplace Management
Every type of electronic device that connects to your network carries a massive security risk. Whether cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, or others, these devices may carry viruses or additional risks that are or can be detrimental to your network security. These devices may be corporate-owned, part of Bring_Your_Own_Device (BYOD) to work, or they may…
Read MoreEmail Security Solutions to Stop Threats in their Tracks
Email is the most commonly used application in any business, and it is also the most vulnerable application. While spam emails used to be an annoying inconvenience in our work and personal inboxes, emails are now the number one vehicle cybercriminals exploit for their attacks on companies and individuals. Ingoing and outgoing emails are a…
Read MoreWhy Your Business Needs a Modern-Day Back-Up Plan
Data is everywhere, and data drives everything. Without it, businesses and people wouldn’t be able to work effectively and efficiently, serve customers, and maintain day-to-day business operations. Today’s small and mid-sized businesses create and store massive amounts of data every single day, across personal and company laptops, desktops, mobile devices, servers, and cloud drives. That…
Read MoreFor full-scale security, solutions have to go beyond the cyber world.
Cybersecurity is a heavy focus in and of the IT world, as it should be. Cyberattacks are ever-increasing and can cost companies millions to recover. However, an often-overlooked component of comprehensive, full-scale organizational IT security solutions is the proactive and ongoing protection and prevention against threats that exist outside of the cyber world. It makes…
Read MoreGoogle Email Settings API
As some of you may already know, Google’s Email Settings API will be discontinued on October 16th, 2019 and as a Google G-Suite Driver customer, it is imperative to update the Driver prior to the sunset date. In G-Suite driver versions prior to 4.2, the EmailSettings API was activated to provide management of these features of user’s accounts: Labels Delegates Signature IMAP…
Read MoreRising cyberattacks mean ramping up cybersecurity measures
We live in a world that is hyper-connected, 24/7/365. This is great when you think about how the ways that we communicate, connect, and collaborate have changed and expanded for good. But there is a flip side. In a digital and constantly connected world, that also means everyone’s systems and data are at risk and…
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