Press Kit

The Concensus logo is the single, complete brand identifier. It has been created to brand the name as it is used in the marketplace with a strong, contemporary presence. The components of this logo have been specifically arranged in a proportional relationship. Neither the arrangement of these components nor the components themselves should be altered in any manner. You can download the Concensus logos for use here.

Primary Logo

Concensus Logo

Secondary Logo

Concensus Logo 2

Brand Colors

The intent in using color is to provide vitality, support positive attributes, and help distinguish the logo from other elements. These colors will be used throughout the brand system. Their use and integrity should be carefully controlled.

The Core Palette

The Core Palette consists of the colors to be used for the majority of the brand design and supporting assets.

Concensus Blue


CMYK: 70, 0, 11, 0
RGB: 0, 193, 222
HEX: #00c1de

Concensus Blue


CMYK: 69, 59, 52, 33
RGB: 75, 79, 85
HEX: #4b4f55

Concensus Blue

Rich Black

CMYK: 60, 40, 40, 100
RGB: 0, 0, 0
HEX: #000000

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